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Writer's pictureDr.Nidhi Dev

Uphill Plogging becomes a delight in Pune

It was in the early hours of the morning that we heard the cry of the most populated bird on the ARAI hills in Kothrud, Pune- the Peacock🦚. This was something to say because it was not any ordinary spot, but a regular rendezvous for nature lovers, bird watchers, where a lot of new bird species could be seen every year to drink from the water ponds, ahead in the quarry. It was not something that we hear everyday, so it had our heads turning in the direction of the melody to locate the source. There, under a tree, 🌳 we saw a couple of beauties, scooting away from the human populace. 

Ah, what a sight to behold, indeed! 

All around us, people revved up for morning walks, other physical activities, jogging, cycling or simply, for enjoying the suddenly enchanting weather. Suddenly, because it was the morning of May 25th, the hottest month of the hottest season of the year 2024. The weekend saw an increase in the number of hikers. From afar, we squinted at 2 figures walking towards us, wearing identical t-shirts and handling folded garbage bags. I guessed immediately that they must be volunteers of Greenlife Foundation, an NGO in Pune, with which, Lokaa foundation Pune volunteers (that was us) were collaborating today. The preparation and energy for the plastic cleanup drive that we were going to perform was infectious and lit up everyone's face with the same enthusiasm. 

After the preliminary, "Tumhi Nidhi ji ahat na?" and the positive nod that I followed it with, took our conversation to discussing the Lokaa foundation's world villages, how truly sustainable they are, Krishnapuram lady Entrepreneurs making leaf plates, and spiritual activities in Ekam - the Oneness Field. I also informed them about the most exciting fun event by Lokaa Foundation “The Walk'' which happens every often, where one would get a glimpse of the repertoire of sustainability practices and can begin volunteering, if the word “sustainability” excites you. When everyone gathered, we began by connecting to nature to bring awareness about plastic littering and its impact on "Mother Earth" and other species inhabiting it. For activating our muscles, 21 pairs of hands and legs participated in Yoga to the light background music streaming from my bluetooth speaker. 

Everyone was so charged that the plastic cleanup drive that followed, was more of a plogging activity than just picking up plastic litter. The neighbouring joggers, nature lovers, did a double take and ogled at the banner that two of our volunteers carried asking about specifics and some joining us midway. 

As we approached the quarry that topped the hill, and also was a deep pit, a breathtaking view unfolded. A collection of ponds down below surrounded by light vegetation met our sparkling eyes. Light drizzle touched our faces, arms, tickling our neck, and contacted our feet. It was accompanied by such a pleasant breeze that it felt as if the entire hill was celebrating the International plastic free day with us. The beautiful tandem of breeze and light drizzle, elevated our spirits as soul sync and ashtachala meditations followed. 

Gifting the Greenlife volunteers with leafplates from Krishnapuram as a souvenir for them from Lokaa Foundation, Pune, we trudged along with our trash bags to finally culminate the session by dumping them safely in recycle ♻️ bins that were constructed at foothills. The party congratulated each other and dispersed, each carrying back a few undamaged rain drops clutching their hair strands as gifts from Mother nature and many pleasant memories to cherish for life…

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Kudos to the spirit of these sevaks

they are doing a great selfless acts of saving mother earth!!!

I love❤️😊such activities and support them actively

Dr sunil dev



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I would like to join such events. This is a good job!!!

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